LCCI Certificate and Award

Leading the Next Generation of Accountants

Our students have once again done exceedingly well, with our student population achieving the highest passing rates in the whole of Singapore.

轻松学习, 亮眼成绩.

Leading the Next Generation of Accountants
Tel : +65 6291 0168
Fax: +65 6291 0182
Email: oceantrain@hotmail.sg
Address: @ Lavender MRT Station
Block 809 French Road
#07-172 Kitchener Complex
Singapore 200809
Operating Hours:
Monday - Friday: 12noon - 10pm
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ACCA Certificate and Scholarship

Congratulations to our ACCA Scholarship Winners!

Congratulations to our ACCA Scholarship Winners!

谢谢老师们用心和专业的教导,让我顺利地拿到了LCCI的会计大专文凭。我也要感谢OCEAN的职员,谢谢她们这一路以来的帮忙。在这里我也认识了很多要好的朋友, 我们一起开心的温习功课。
感谢Ocean Business School,也很开心我终于拿到了LCCI Diploma.
Low Pui Ling
LCCI Diploma Graduate

Fu XiuPing
LCCI Diploma Graduate